Hormone Nutrition and weight loss

One Month Hormone and Nutrition Reset Package

(For those ovulating or perimenopausal/menopausal) 

This package is perfect for those looking for a quick rest on hormones and diet, as well as guidance on any area/s within your lifestyle - a "shot of espresso" to get things running smoothly again. This is for those who don't need hand holding, have a fairly good grasp on eating well, but maybe feel some tweaks are needed. Package includes:

  • Two bi-weekly 60 minute zoom sessions with Alexandra within the month
  • A complete shopping list and eating plan created by Alexandra, tailored for you, based on your needs and hormones
  • Supplement suggestions 
  • Lifestyle, movement, and self-care tips 

$567 with Tirzepatide/Semaglutide $250 without drugs

Three Month Hormone Nutrition Package

(For those ovulating)

This package delves into the nitty gritty. So many women struggle with some aspect of hormonal imbalances, whether it be PMS, low energy, PCOS, weight gain, decreased libido, mood swings, irritability, insomnia, the list goes on. Over the course of 3 months, Alexandra delves into a complete workup of your hormones, nutrition, and lifestyle. Additionally, Alexandra helps you explore your goals, what you hope to achieve beyond hormones and nutrition. At the end of three months, you will have a thorough in depth understanding of and healthy relationship with your body, understand the key foods and nutrients needed, and the tools to create your ideal lifestyle. 

  • An initial detailed overview of how you feel, where you struggle the most, and what you eat. 
  • A complete understanding of each of the four phases of the menstrual cycle, what happens during each phase, the types of foods needed, why, and how they balance your key hormones. 
  • Supplement suggestions 
  • Guidance on how to become adequately prepared for perimenopause/menopause without the unwanted symptoms
  • A complete shopping list and eating plan, tailored for you, outlining what foods to consume during each phase of your cycle
  • Two bi-weekly 60 minute zoom sessions with Alexandra within the month
  • Guidance on how to shop for your cycle at the grocery store, including what to look for in ingredients and nutrition labels
  • Lifestyle, movement, and self care tips

$1701 with tirzepeptide or $750 without  drugs

Three Month Hormone Nutrition Package 


This package is for women in menopause or entering perimenopause. Alexandra explores the unwanted symptoms linked to menopause, and works with you to achieve better hormonal alignment. Unwanted symptoms, to name a few, are restless leg syndrome, night sweats, insomnia, dry vagina, decreased libido, and weight gain in the tummy. Together, you and Alexandra explore tools that work with you as you enter this new phase of life, not against you. 

  • Two bi weekly 60 minute zoom sessions with Alexandra within the month
  • A complete shopping list and eating plan, tailored for you, outlining what foods to consume for perimenopause and menopause
  • Tips on fasting for menopause reset 
  • Lifestyle, movement, and self care tips 
  • 4. One or Two Month Weight Loss Only $567 with tirzepeptide or $250 without
  • For those who just want assistance on weight loss, no help with hormones. Package includes
  • Initial assessment with Alexandra 
  • Tailored eating
  • Bi weekly zoom sessions with Alexandra within the month
  • Tailored recipes
  • Lifestyle, movement, and self care tips

$1701 with tirzepeptide or $750 without drugs

Alexandra Baldi is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach and 200 hr RYT certified vinyasa yoga instructor. In 2008 Alexandra was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), having no understanding of what PCOS was or the appropriate course of action to treat it. She was MISERABLE, had unexplained weight gain, cystic acne that required RoAccutane, irregular periods, digestive/gut issues, irritability, and awful mood swings. For 12 years Alexandra struggled, some years better than others, but after graduating law school, where her symptoms were at their worst, she knew she needed to find a different approach; and one that was holistic. An approach that would heal her body from the inside out. Alexandra started learning everything there was about eating not just for PCOS, but for her cycle and hormones.

Before long cyclical eating became a way of life for Alexandra, and in the best possible way. Her symptoms slowly started diminishing, the weight came off, her skin cleared, she had regular periods, and her hormones were balanced. This essential health and lifestyle change inspired Alexandra to become a health coach and nutritionist. There she learned the essential tools to further help women balance their hormones through optimized nutrition, lifestyle, and mental well-being. Today, Alexandra is PCOS free 
Lastly, Those who know Alexandra know she loves the "basic" joys that come with being a woman- long painted nails with designs, everything skincare and beauty, cashmere, The Hallmark Channel, some may even call her a very "Basic B". However, given Alexandra's story above you can see that she worked incredibly hard, as a woman with PCOS, to achieve a healthy BALANCE in all key areas of her life. Therefore, with her business and social media, Alexandra likes to celebrate that it is ok to enjoy the basic joys in life, whilst achieving balance. Balancing hormones through food is meant to be NOURISHING and ENJOYABLE, nothing is off limits and Alexandra is here to help show you that-yes pasta and wine can be included. Lastly, with her own experience, Alexandra strives to be an outlet for women; to help them discover that with simple BASIC tweaks they too can have a lifestyle that is BALANCED and tailored to them.